[MotoGP] 美國站-Marquez今年首勝、 Pedrosa獲第三


2017/04/25 01:09:49


#6009995 IP 95.136.*.* 修改過 5 次 (顯示最近5筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2017/04/25 01:09:49

發文IP 95.136.*.*

[img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_793950.jpg[/img] [color="#FF0000"]Marc Marquez, Repsol Honda Team: 1st[/color] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_793951.jpg[/img] “This was a crucial race because after Argentina it was important to come back in the best way, so we are really happy with this result. Although I won, it was difficult, because the temperature was much higher than yesterday. Five minutes before the start, I said to my chief mechanic, ‘Okay, let’s use the hard tire’ because I knew that I would push the medium front tire a lot. In the beginning I was just trying to understand the limit because I hadn’t tried it a lot on Friday. I was behind Dani and when I saw that he was struggling a little bit and Valentino was challenging, I said, ‘time to attack.’ I was able to win, and I’m happy to be back in the championship.” [color="#FF0000"]Dani Pedrosa, Repsol Honda Team: 3rd[/color] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_793952.jpg[/img] “I’m happy because we made some steps forward today, and overall this weekend was positive. We made some good improvements from the last races, and also in practice we were higher up in the results. Qualifying still wasn’t as good as I’d have liked, but today were able to get a good start and arrive first to turn one. It was the first time I’ve done that in a while, and I led the race for a few laps, which is good. In the end it was difficult to manage the front tire. I could feel that the right side was finished, so I couldn’t prevent Valentino from passing me. After the crash in Argentina, I wanted to avoid losing the front, so I just tried to finish.” [color="#FF0000"]Cal Crutchlow, LCR Honda: 4th[/color] “That was a good race for us. I felt confident because my team did a fantastic job. I was just a bit disappointed that we didn’t make it onto the podium because it was very close. I lost some time running off the track and then a bit more with Zarco. The main thing is that I felt confident on the bike and I felt physically strong, so I could keep pushing. I wanted a top-three result here, but third in Argentina and fourth here are good results, so I hope we can carry this momentum into the first race in Europe and beyond.” [color="#FF0000"]Jack Miller, Estrella Galicia 0,0 Marc VDS: 10th[/color] “I had good speed from the start of the race but it is just so difficult to overtake, I was losing so much time off the slow corners and it is not easy to make it up in the braking zones. All I could was wait and hope Lorenzo made a mistake and then towards the end of the race I lost some feeling with front. It was another solid result, I got some points with a top ten finish and learnt a lot.” [color="#FF0000"]Tito Rabat, Estrella Galicia 0,0 Marc VDS: 13th[/color] “I am very happy for this result because today I understood many things by going a little slower at the beginning and then faster towards the end of the race. And in the normal conditions of today’s race I was closer to the front guys and this is good for my confidence. To score points in the opening three races of the season is a very good start and a boost in advance of the next race at home in Jerez.”

2017/04/25 01:53:35

發文IP 95.136.*.*

[img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_793950.jpg[/img] [color="#FF0000"]Marc Marquez, Repsol Honda Team: 1st[/color] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_793951.jpg[/img] 這是一場極關鍵的比賽,特別是在阿根廷站後,能夠獲勝站上頒獎台,所以我們對這個結果非常滿意。 雖然我贏了,但過程艱辛,因為溫度遠高於昨天。 在比賽開始之前五分鐘,我對我的主工程師說:“好吧,讓我們用硬胎”,因為我知道我會提早讓前中性胎下課。 由於星期五時的練習我並沒有嘗試push,所以比賽一開始我只是想了解極限在哪。 我在Dani後面,當我看到他有點掙扎,Valentino被挑戰的時候,我說'該是時候攻擊',我能夠贏,我很高興回到冠軍。 [color="#FF0000"]Dani Pedrosa, Repsol Honda Team: 3rd[/color] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_793952.jpg[/img] “I’m happy because we made some steps forward today, and overall this weekend was positive. We made some good improvements from the last races, and also in practice we were higher up in the results. Qualifying still wasn’t as good as I’d have liked, but today were able to get a good start and arrive first to turn one. It was the first time I’ve done that in a while, and I led the race for a few laps, which is good. In the end it was difficult to manage the front tire. I could feel that the right side was finished, so I couldn’t prevent Valentino from passing me. After the crash in Argentina, I wanted to avoid losing the front, so I just tried to finish.” [color="#FF0000"]Cal Crutchlow, LCR Honda: 4th[/color] “That was a good race for us. I felt confident because my team did a fantastic job. I was just a bit disappointed that we didn’t make it onto the podium because it was very close. I lost some time running off the track and then a bit more with Zarco. The main thing is that I felt confident on the bike and I felt physically strong, so I could keep pushing. I wanted a top-three result here, but third in Argentina and fourth here are good results, so I hope we can carry this momentum into the first race in Europe and beyond.” [color="#FF0000"]Jack Miller, Estrella Galicia 0,0 Marc VDS: 10th[/color] “I had good speed from the start of the race but it is just so difficult to overtake, I was losing so much time off the slow corners and it is not easy to make it up in the braking zones. All I could was wait and hope Lorenzo made a mistake and then towards the end of the race I lost some feeling with front. It was another solid result, I got some points with a top ten finish and learnt a lot.” [color="#FF0000"]Tito Rabat, Estrella Galicia 0,0 Marc VDS: 13th[/color] “I am very happy for this result because today I understood many things by going a little slower at the beginning and then faster towards the end of the race. And in the normal conditions of today’s race I was closer to the front guys and this is good for my confidence. To score points in the opening three races of the season is a very good start and a boost in advance of the next race at home in Jerez.”

2017/04/25 01:55:29

發文IP 95.136.*.*

[img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_793950.jpg[/img] [color="#FF0000"]Marc Marquez, Repsol Honda Team: 1st[/color] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_793951.jpg[/img] 這是一場極關鍵的比賽,特別是在阿根廷站後,能夠獲勝站上頒獎台,所以我們對這個結果非常滿意。 雖然我贏了,但過程艱辛,因為溫度遠高於昨天。 在比賽開始前五分鐘,我對主技師說:“好吧,讓我們用硬胎”,因為我知道我會提早讓前輪中性胎下課。 由於星期五時的練習我並沒有嘗試push,所以比賽一開始我只是想了解極限在哪。 我在Dani後面,當我看到他有點掙扎,Valentino被挑戰的時候,我說'該是時候攻擊',我能夠贏,我很高興回到冠軍。 [color="#FF0000"]Dani Pedrosa, Repsol Honda Team: 3rd[/color] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_793952.jpg[/img] “I’m happy because we made some steps forward today, and overall this weekend was positive. We made some good improvements from the last races, and also in practice we were higher up in the results. Qualifying still wasn’t as good as I’d have liked, but today were able to get a good start and arrive first to turn one. It was the first time I’ve done that in a while, and I led the race for a few laps, which is good. In the end it was difficult to manage the front tire. I could feel that the right side was finished, so I couldn’t prevent Valentino from passing me. After the crash in Argentina, I wanted to avoid losing the front, so I just tried to finish.” [color="#FF0000"]Cal Crutchlow, LCR Honda: 4th[/color] “That was a good race for us. I felt confident because my team did a fantastic job. I was just a bit disappointed that we didn’t make it onto the podium because it was very close. I lost some time running off the track and then a bit more with Zarco. The main thing is that I felt confident on the bike and I felt physically strong, so I could keep pushing. I wanted a top-three result here, but third in Argentina and fourth here are good results, so I hope we can carry this momentum into the first race in Europe and beyond.” [color="#FF0000"]Jack Miller, Estrella Galicia 0,0 Marc VDS: 10th[/color] “I had good speed from the start of the race but it is just so difficult to overtake, I was losing so much time off the slow corners and it is not easy to make it up in the braking zones. All I could was wait and hope Lorenzo made a mistake and then towards the end of the race I lost some feeling with front. It was another solid result, I got some points with a top ten finish and learnt a lot.” [color="#FF0000"]Tito Rabat, Estrella Galicia 0,0 Marc VDS: 13th[/color] “I am very happy for this result because today I understood many things by going a little slower at the beginning and then faster towards the end of the race. And in the normal conditions of today’s race I was closer to the front guys and this is good for my confidence. To score points in the opening three races of the season is a very good start and a boost in advance of the next race at home in Jerez.”

2017/04/25 01:56:33

發文IP 95.136.*.*

[img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_793950.jpg[/img] [color="#FF0000"]Marc Marquez, Repsol Honda Team: 1st[/color] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_793951.jpg[/img] 這是一場極關鍵的比賽,特別是在阿根廷站後,能夠獲勝站上頒獎台,所以我們對這個結果非常滿意。 雖然我贏了,但過程艱辛,因為溫度遠高於昨天。 在比賽開始前五分鐘,我對主技師說:“好吧,讓我們用硬胎”,因為我知道我會提早讓前輪中性胎下課。 由於星期五時的練習我並沒有嘗試push,所以比賽一開始我只是想了解極限在哪。 我在Dani後面,當我看到他有點掙扎,Valentino正被挑戰的時候,我說'該是時候攻擊',我能夠贏,我很高興回到冠軍。 [color="#FF0000"]Dani Pedrosa, Repsol Honda Team: 3rd[/color] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_793952.jpg[/img] “I’m happy because we made some steps forward today, and overall this weekend was positive. We made some good improvements from the last races, and also in practice we were higher up in the results. Qualifying still wasn’t as good as I’d have liked, but today were able to get a good start and arrive first to turn one. It was the first time I’ve done that in a while, and I led the race for a few laps, which is good. In the end it was difficult to manage the front tire. I could feel that the right side was finished, so I couldn’t prevent Valentino from passing me. After the crash in Argentina, I wanted to avoid losing the front, so I just tried to finish.” [color="#FF0000"]Cal Crutchlow, LCR Honda: 4th[/color] “That was a good race for us. I felt confident because my team did a fantastic job. I was just a bit disappointed that we didn’t make it onto the podium because it was very close. I lost some time running off the track and then a bit more with Zarco. The main thing is that I felt confident on the bike and I felt physically strong, so I could keep pushing. I wanted a top-three result here, but third in Argentina and fourth here are good results, so I hope we can carry this momentum into the first race in Europe and beyond.” [color="#FF0000"]Jack Miller, Estrella Galicia 0,0 Marc VDS: 10th[/color] “I had good speed from the start of the race but it is just so difficult to overtake, I was losing so much time off the slow corners and it is not easy to make it up in the braking zones. All I could was wait and hope Lorenzo made a mistake and then towards the end of the race I lost some feeling with front. It was another solid result, I got some points with a top ten finish and learnt a lot.” [color="#FF0000"]Tito Rabat, Estrella Galicia 0,0 Marc VDS: 13th[/color] “I am very happy for this result because today I understood many things by going a little slower at the beginning and then faster towards the end of the race. And in the normal conditions of today’s race I was closer to the front guys and this is good for my confidence. To score points in the opening three races of the season is a very good start and a boost in advance of the next race at home in Jerez.”

2017/04/25 03:40:20

發文IP 239.71.*.*

[img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_793950.jpg[/img] [color="#FF0000"]Marc Marquez, Repsol Honda Team: 1st[/color] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_793951.jpg[/img] 這是一場極關鍵的比賽,特別是在阿根廷站後,能夠獲勝站上頒獎台,所以我們對這個結果非常滿意。 雖然我贏了,但過程艱辛,因為溫度遠高於昨天。 在比賽開始前五分鐘,我對主技師說:“好吧,讓我們用硬胎”,因為我知道我會提早讓前輪中性胎下課。 由於星期五時的練習我並沒有嘗試push,所以比賽一開始我只是想了解極限在哪。 我在Dani後面,當我看到他有點掙扎,Valentino正被挑戰的時候,我說'該是時候攻擊',我能夠贏,我很高興回到冠軍。 [color="#FF0000"]Dani Pedrosa, Repsol Honda Team: 3rd[/color] [img]http://attach.u-forum.com.tw/attach_793952.jpg[/img] 我很高興,因為我們今天向前邁進不少,整個週末是積極正面的。 從上一場比賽中我們做了些正確的改善,並且在練習賽中的結果高於我們預期。 排位賽仍然不是我想要的成績,但是今天獲得一個非常棒的開場,並首先搶進第一彎。 這是我首次不一會而就搶進第一彎,我帶領了比賽幾圈,感覺真爽。 最後,很難管控前胎。 我可以感覺到右半邊已完蛋,所以我無法阻止Valentino超我車。 在阿根廷摔車後,我盡可能避免失去前輪,所以我試圖完賽。 [color="#FF0000"]Cal Crutchlow, LCR Honda: 4th[/color] “That was a good race for us. I felt confident because my team did a fantastic job. I was just a bit disappointed that we didn’t make it onto the podium because it was very close. I lost some time running off the track and then a bit more with Zarco. The main thing is that I felt confident on the bike and I felt physically strong, so I could keep pushing. I wanted a top-three result here, but third in Argentina and fourth here are good results, so I hope we can carry this momentum into the first race in Europe and beyond.” [color="#FF0000"]Jack Miller, Estrella Galicia 0,0 Marc VDS: 10th[/color] “I had good speed from the start of the race but it is just so difficult to overtake, I was losing so much time off the slow corners and it is not easy to make it up in the braking zones. All I could was wait and hope Lorenzo made a mistake and then towards the end of the race I lost some feeling with front. It was another solid result, I got some points with a top ten finish and learnt a lot.” [color="#FF0000"]Tito Rabat, Estrella Galicia 0,0 Marc VDS: 13th[/color] “I am very happy for this result because today I understood many things by going a little slower at the beginning and then faster towards the end of the race. And in the normal conditions of today’s race I was closer to the front guys and this is good for my confidence. To score points in the opening three races of the season is a very good start and a boost in advance of the next race at home in Jerez.”

Marc Marquez, Repsol Honda Team: 1st


Dani Pedrosa, Repsol Honda Team: 3rd

最後,很難管控前胎。 我可以感覺到右半邊已完蛋,所以我無法阻止Valentino超我車。

Cal Crutchlow, LCR Honda: 4th
“That was a good race for us. I felt confident because my team did a fantastic job. I was just a bit disappointed that we didn’t make it onto the podium because it was very close. I lost some time running off the track and then a bit more with Zarco. The main thing is that I felt confident on the bike and I felt physically strong, so I could keep pushing. I wanted a top-three result here, but third in Argentina and fourth here are good results, so I hope we can carry this momentum into the first race in Europe and beyond.”

Jack Miller, Estrella Galicia 0,0 Marc VDS: 10th
“I had good speed from the start of the race but it is just so difficult to overtake, I was losing so much time off the slow corners and it is not easy to make it up in the braking zones. All I could was wait and hope Lorenzo made a mistake and then towards the end of the race I lost some feeling with front. It was another solid result, I got some points with a top ten finish and learnt a lot.”

Tito Rabat, Estrella Galicia 0,0 Marc VDS: 13th
“I am very happy for this result because today I understood many things by going a little slower at the beginning and then faster towards the end of the race. And in the normal conditions of today’s race I was closer to the front guys and this is good for my confidence. To score points in the opening three races of the season is a very good start and a boost in advance of the next race at home in Jerez.”





2017/04/25 01:10:13


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